A kitchen fire in a Wenatchee home on Trisha Way was the result of a forgotten stove top left on with oil cooking Monday night.

According to public information officer, Kay McKellar, the resident made a quick store run and upon arrival back at his home, found flames in his kitchen. The occupant attempted to extinguish the fire, however it spread into the cabinets and ceiling.

"They (firefighters) had been advised that there were two cats in the house," said McKellar. "They did locate one on their search, they attempted to revive the cat but that was unsuccessful. The other cat was not located."

There were no other injuries from the fire and the occupants didn't require any Red Cross assistance. Smoke did fill throughout the house, however Chelan PUD was notified to turn off the power.

Chelan County Fire District 1, along with Douglas County Fire District 2 and Ballard Ambulance, responded at 7:03 p.m. with the fire extinguished by 7:35 p.m.

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