Downtown Wenatchee was filled with costumed youngsters and their parents enjoying Trick-or Treating at downtown merchants. Wenatchee Downtown Executive Director Linda Haglund was all smiles "It's a great day downtown, we just appreciate the non-profits, the businesses and everybody that makes this investment to come and do a very community thing for kids on Halloween"

Wenatchee Avenue was blocked off from 2nd Street to Orondo to provide a safe trick or treating environment for the traditional event hosted by the Wenatchee Downtown Asoociation

Wenatchee Parks and Recreation hosted the 17th annual Halloween Carnival at the Wenatchee Convention Center.  The event for kids 10 and under featured games and prizes and a candy trade-in for trick or treaters with food allergies.

KW#'s "Harry Potter" crew
KW#'s "Harry Potter" crew

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