The city of Wenatchee released some safety reminders for residents trying to stay warm this winter. For space heaters, make sure anything that can burn (bedding, clothing, curtains) are at least three feet away and that the heater has an automatic shut off in case it tips over. It's also key to plug portable heaters directly into outlets and not into an extension cord or power strip. Folks gathering around a cozy fireplace is an idyllic winter setting, but it's important to remember to put the fire out before bed or exiting the home. Other handy reminders, don't burn paper in the fireplace, keep a glass or metal screen in front to avoid jumping sparks or embers and put ashes in a metal container with a lid outside at least 3 feet from your home. For those with wood stoves, don't burn paper in there either, have the chimney inspected and cleaned professionally each year and keep the wood stove three feet from anything that can burn. For more heating safety tips, visit here.

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