Starting Monday, the Dollar Tree on North Wenatchee Avenue will be collecting donations of items purchased in the store for the Special Olympics State Winter Games. Wenatchee Recreation Coordinator Gina Shaw says the store approached them to discuss ways that they could give back.

"We are asking for small items to be donated to our State Special Olympics Winter Games and it will go right into prizes. We also do lots of fun activities for the athletes after they've competed. This is a fun event for Olympic Town."

The Special Olympics State Winter Games take place February 28th through March 1st. Olympic Town is February 29th.

Shaw says if you're not sure what to give, you can go to the store and they'll let you know.

"It's anything from earbuds to arts and crafts supplies. There's just a wide variety, and we do have a list that will be at the Dollar Tree."

Shaw says they are also still looking for volunteers and if you are interested, go or contact the Wenatchee Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services office.

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