The Advocacy Committee of Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce is inviting the community of both Wenatchee and East Wenatchee to breakfast that doubles as a candidate forum on October 22. City council candidates from both cities along with mayoral candidates for East Wenatchee will have a platform to share ideas and visions with the citizens that they are hopeful to serve.

"The most important thing for the progress and protection of democracy is a well informed electorate and what better way to find out what people have to say than to hear from the candidates themselves," said Sebastian Moraga, communications specialist.

Moraga stressed the forum is not a debate and will be conducted in a civilized format rather than posed as a political debate.

"There will be questions in advance and candidates will be allowed to bring one question to ask their opponents," said Moraga. "This is not a debate, this is a forum to hear people's ideas. The extent of the back and forth will be that one question that the candidates will be able to ask of each other. Expect a civilized, informative morning rather than a knock down drag out fight."

The forum is from 7:30-8:45 with registration starting at 7:45 in the Crunch Pak room on the first floor of the Town Toyota Center. Tickets are $10 per person.

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