The Wenatchee and Eastmont school districts are enforcing new dress codes beginning Monday in response to what both districts are calling a rise in gang related activity in the area.

Both districts released statements Friday that include bans on sports apparel associated with the Las Vegas Raiders, LA Dodgers and Pittsburgh Pirates, as well as clothing with the numbers 13 or 14.

Each district's list varies from there, with Eastmont specifically banning hats or hoods, sunglasses, hanging belts and bandanas.

Both Districts say they've been in contact with their local police departments to deal with the issue.

The release from the Eastmont district is signed by Superintendent Garn Christensen and East Wenatchee Police Chief Rick Johnson.

The Eastmont District is forming a committee with parents to address gang activity. The Wenatchee district is holding a public meeting on gang violence at it's office on May 4.

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