If you're late on scheduling those Valentine's dinner plans, the Wenatchee Valley Tech culinary students might have you covered.

The Wenatchee Valley Tech Center will be hosting a Valentine's dinner Friday, with all of the food prepared by the school's culinary pupils.

District Communications Director Diana Haglund said it's a hands-on experience for students to be immersed in a chef's kitchen.

"Richard Kitos, who is a chef here in our community, is the instructor. He brings real-world experience to that classroom setting for the students." explained Haglund, "So not only are they learning how to prepare the food, but they're also learning service skills on top of that."

There will be two seating times at 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. However, the 5:30 pm seating time has been sold out, and the 7:30 pm seating time is reportedly close to selling out.

Cost is $30 for an individual or $50 per couple. For tickets, call 509-662-8827 or email bowen.p@wenatcheeschools.org.

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