From a press release - Looking to gain more knowledge on how to better serve those who served? Are you asked, or do you have, questions on veteran homelessness, benefits and other topics that you aren't completely comfortable answering?"

Would you like to establish a greater collaboration within the Veteran Service Community on both sides of Washington state?


Please attend the 3rd Annual Washington Department of Veterans Affairs, "Serving Those Who Served Conference," at the Wenatchee Convention Center on August 1 and 2.


"In my mind, information is power, the more we learn the more empowered we become, and as a result, so do those we serve," said Washington Department of Veterans Affairs Behavioral Health Program director, Peter Schmidt. "The potential of how this information is applied can potentially be a life-saver."


This two-day veteran's resource providers conference is not only aimed at establishing better collaboration and connection for all those who work with veterans and their families, but also providing a wealth of knowledge from industry experts in areas that impact the lives of our veterans and their families.


"This conference provides collaboration with professionals from across the state, all while learning new veteran-related information ... all at no cost to the participant," Schmidt added.


This two-day conference will include breakout sessions on Justice Involved Veterans, WDVA Programs, VA Healthcare/VA Choice, Life Cycle of a VA Disability Claim, Suicide Prevention/Suicide Safety, VA Education Benefits/Vet Corps, Cemetery & Burial Benefits, PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury, County Specific Topics - Best Practices/Creating Regional Strategic Partnerships, Helping Vets Succeed in the Workplace and YesVets, Service Animals, Veteran Homelessness & Housing Programs and more.


"The conference aims to provide the most current information and resources about veterans and their families in Washington state," said Schmidt. "We will assist to better serve all individuals and groups that are Serving Those Who Served!"


Along with more than 20 breakout sessions focused around current veteran issues and topics, conference attendees will also be able to take advantage of a Networking Social Hour taking place after the first day of the conference at Pybus Market from 5:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.


During the morning of the first day of the conference, WDVA Director Alfie Alvarado-Ramos will also present a Purple Heart to a veteran.

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